



  (46)Those societies came out of the war with levels of enrollment that havebeen roughly constant at 3-5% of the relevant age groups during the decadesbefore the war.


本句呈现较多艰涩难明的英文表达,如“those societies came out ofwar”,指“履历过二战以后的西方社会”,即“二战竣事时的西方社会”。短语“levels of enrollment”直译为“入学人数的程度”,可转换成“大学就读人数”。“roughly constant”,意为“根基稳定”,relevant age groups直译“相干春秋群体”不敷畅通,可转述为“大学适龄人群”。调解次序,整句可翻译为:二战竣事时,西方社会的大学就读人数约占大学适龄人群的3%


(47)And the demand that rose in those societies for entry to highereducation extended to groups and social classes that had not thought ofattending a university before the war.

解析:整句话的骨干部门是 the demand extended to groups and social classes,即“需求扩大到分歧的群体和社会阶级”,难点在于demand 和 groups and social classes后有比力长的定语从句,这种句子的翻译可更调语序,将定于从句提早,或自力成句。整句可调解为:二战以后,本来没有斟酌接管高档教诲的社会群体和@阶%l1zaw%级对高%52G5y%档@教诲的需求增长了。

(48)In many countries of Western Europe, the numbers of students in highereducation doubled within five-year periods during the 1960s and doubled again inseven, eight, or ten years by the middle of 1970s.

解析:该句没有较难的辞汇,语法布局也相对于轻易,in和within 后面接一段时候可翻译成在…时候内,“doubled”此处做动词,意思是“翻了一番”;时候状语一般提早翻译:在六十年月,很多西欧国度的大学就读人数5年内翻了一番,到七十年月中期,这一数字在七八年内又翻了一番。

(49)And when the new staff were predominantly young men and women freshfrom postgraduate

study, they largely defined the norm of academic life in thatfaculty.

解析:按照上下文,“staff”此处指“大学教职职员”,短语“fresh from postgraduate study”指“钻研生刚结业不久”;名词“faculty” 有两个意思,既可以指“全部教人员工”,也能够指“高校”,此处翻译成前者稍公道一些。整句可翻译为:这一时代的高校新@西%42R98%席大可%eKnB1%能%eKnB1%是@方才钻研生结业的青年男女,他们根基界说了阿谁年月高校师资的学术尺度。

(50)High growth rates increased the chances for accedamic innovation; theyalso weakened the forms and processes by which teachers and students

areadmitted into a co妹妹unity of scholars during periods of stability or slowgrowth.

解析:从上下文理解,短语“a co妹妹unity of scholars”就是指“高档院校”或“大学”,时候状语“during periods ofstability or slow growth”提早翻译,全部长难句由两个并列句组成,主语都是growthrates,且没有并列连词,翻译时可增加符合的过渡词“一方面,另外一方面”。故整句可调解为:高增加率一方面增长了学术立异的机遇,另外一方面,在不乱或成长放缓的阶段,也弱化了高档院校采取新西席和学生的情势和进程。


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