

l’affaire bettencourt had captivated france(主谓宾) since 2007(时刻状语), when a daughter ’s lawsuit charged that bettencourt, ranked as the richest woman in the world,(非谓语,逻辑主语 为 bettencourt) had been bamboozled by a society photographer 25 years her junior for cash,annuities, fine art and, it seemed(,刺进语) an island in the seychelles(.定语从句,润饰 2007)
accused of “abus de faiblesse,” or exploiting the old woman’s frailty, the photographer, fran?ois-marie banier, was bombarded at a trial in early 2015 by the testimony of maids, butlers, doctors and others who called him the dominating manipulator of an over medicated, disoriented woman. they said he chose bettencourt’s lipstick and clothing, monitored her appointments and once suggestedthat she adopt him.

2015 年头,拍摄师弗朗索瓦-马里·巴尼耶(fran?ois-marie

banier)在审判中遭到女佣、管家和 医生等证人的指控,称他使用晚年女人的脆弱,分配和操作一位过度用药、失掉判别力的女 人。他们说他替贝当古选择唇膏和服装,监控她与别人的接见会面,并曾主张她收养自个。
1、abus de faiblesse:法语,可译为“乘人之危”或“滥欺弱者”,后文” exploiting the old woman’s frailty”可视为其同位语。
2、frailty:英 [‘fre?lt?] 美 [‘frelti]
①n-var if you refer to the frailties or frailty of people, you are referring to their weaknesses. 弱 点
…the frailties of human nature.
②n-uncount frailty is the condition of having poor health. 虚弱 she died after a long period of increasing frailty. 她日益虚弱,经过一段长时刻后去世了。
【同根词】词根: frail frail adj. 脆弱的;虚弱的
n. 灯心草篓;少妇;少女
3、testimony:英 [‘test?m?n?] 美 [‘t?st?’moni]
①n-var in a court of law, someone’s testimony is a formal statement that they make about what they saw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised to tell the truth. (法庭上的) 证词
his testimony was an important

element of the prosecution’s case.
②n-uncount if you say that one thing is testimony to another, you mean that it shows clearly that the second thing has a particular quality. 明证 [also ‘a’ n, usu n ‘to’ n]
the environmental movement is testimony to the widespread feelings of support for nature’s importance.
【同根词】词根: testimony
adj. testimonial 证明的;奖励的;赞誉的
n. testimonial 证明书;举荐书
4、butler:英 [‘b?tl?] 美 [‘b?tl?]
【释义】n-count a butler is the most important male servant in a wealthy house. 男管家
i called for the butler to clear up the broken crockery.
5、dominating:英[ ‘d?mineiti? ] 美 [‘dɑm?,net??]
【释义】adj a dominating person has a very strong personality and influences the people around them. 有影响力的
she certainly was a dominating figure, a leader who gave her name to a political philosophy.
【同根词】词根: dominate
adj. dominant 显性的;占优势的;分配的,控制的
dominated 占主导方位的;强势的;占控制方位的;[数] 受控的
domineering 嚣张的;专横的;咄咄逼人的
n. dominant 显性
dominance 优势;控制;分配
domination 控制;分配
dominion 主权,控制权;分配;疆域
dominatrix 女人施虐狂;专横的女人;假装规则而实践上供给性效能的女人
v. dominate vt.控制;分配;占优势;在…中占首要方位 vi.占优势;处于分配方位
dominated 控制,分配;处于分配方位(dominate 的曩昔式)
domineering 实施暴政;挺拔;盛行(domineer 的 ing 方法)
6、monitor:英 [‘m?n?t?] 美 [‘m?n?t?]
①v-t if you monitor something, you regularly check its development or progress, and sometimes comment on it. 监控
officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.
②v-t if someone monitors radio broadcasts from other countries, they record them or listen carefully to them in order to obtain information. 监听
peter murray is in washington and has been monitoring reports out of monrovia.
③n-count a monitor is a machine that is used to check or record things, for example processes or substances inside a person’s body. 监控器
the heart monitor shows low l
evels of consciousness.
④n-count a monitor is a screen which is used to display certain kinds of information, for example on a computer, in airports, or in television studios. 闪现屏
he was watching a game of tennis on a television monitor.
⑤n-count you can refer to a person who checks that something is done correctly, or that it is fair, as a monitor. 监督员
government monitors will continue to accompany reporters.
【同根词】词根: monitor monitory adj. 训戒的
n. monitory 劝诫书


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